Quality Development Manager, Belgorod
CURRICULUM VITAE Personalinform ation Nam e:JorgeLuisRiveraPérez Gender:M ale BirthPlace:M arianao,Havana,Cuba DateofBirth:Decem ber28,1994 M aritalStatus:Married IdentityCard:94122805140 Passport:K660346 Private Address:67th Avenue.#12416,apartm ent1,between 124 and 126, M arianao,Havana,Cuba. Phone(s): +5372741451 +5354061547 E-m ail:jorge.rivera@ cigb.edu.cu Educationlevel:UniversityDegree Occupation:Chem icalEngineer Centers where i´ve worked:CenterforGenetic Engineering and Biotechnology (CGEB).31stAvenue,between158and190,Cubanacán,Playa,Havana,Cuba. Postgraduatecoursesandstudiesreceived CourseofGoodProductionPractices CourseofGoodM anufacturingPractices BasicSafetyandEnvironm entCourse BasicIndustrialSafetyCourse CourseofGoodDocum entationPracticesforOperators PostgraduateinFerm entationEngineering
Academ icdata Graduated from the Technological University of Havana "Jose Antonio Echeverría" in 2018,in the specialty of Chem icalEngineering.Title of the Diplom a work:"Strategy forim proving the ferm entation process to obtain the coreproteinoftheHepatitisB virus". Professionaldata Professionalscope:W ork on issues related to the biotechnology branch in regardsto processdesign,calculationand sizing ofequipm ent,therm odynam ic evaluation. Process scaling. M ass and Energy balances. Risks evaluation. Econom ic engineering. Ferm entation Engineering. Basic knowledge of M icrobiologyandM olecularBiology. W orkexperience: 2013-LaborPracticesattheCenterforGeneticEngineeringandBiotechnology: “Characterization of the production process of the active pharm aceutical ingredientoftheHEBERTRANS transferfactor” 2014-LaborPracticesattheCenterforM olecularIm m unology.“Analysisofthe productionprocessofNim otuzum abfortreatingheadandneckcancer”. 2015-LaborPracticesattheCenterforGeneticEngineering and Biotechnology: “Discontinuous-increased ferm entation in chem ically defined culture m edium forthe production ofInterferon Gam m a expressed in E.coli”.Prize in Student Scientific Conference:“GreaterScientific Rigor”.Prize in Forum ofScience and TechnologyoftheUniversity:"M ention". 2016-LaborPracticesattheCenterforGeneticEngineering and Biotechnology: "SubstitutionofOXOID yeastextractintheculturem edium fortheproductionof CIGB 370r protein". Prize in Student Scientific Conference:"Greater Social Im pact". 2017-W ork 2018-Diplom a thesis to optforthe Chem icalEngineering Degree. Title“Strategytoim provetheferm entationprocesstoobtainthecoreproteinof theHepatitisB virus” 2018-2019-Execution ofBig Scale Lots atproduction scale with satisfactory
results,including prosecution ofm anylots ofCelularDisruption,keeping good resultsandindicators. 2019-Satisfactory results in the Inspection ofthe State Centerforthe Drugs ControlinCubaandinspectionofSouthAfrica. NationalandInternationalEvents: 2018-Forum ofScience and Technologyofthe CenterforGeneticEngineering and Biotechnology Edition 2018 with the W ork: "Strategy to im prove the ferm entationprocesstoobtainthecoreproteinoftheHepatitisB Virus".Result: Featured. 2019-Young Science Event2019 (Joven Ciencia).W ork:“Strategy to im prove theferm entationprocesstoobtainthecoreproteinoftheHepatitisB Virus”. 2019- First International Congress of Biotechnological Products, Biom anufacturing and Regulatory Standards: “Biom anufacturing 2019” (Septem ber30th to October5th)HotelParadisus Princesas delM arResort& Spa Varadero,M atanzas,Cuba.W ork:"Strategy to im prove the ferm entation process to obtain the core protein ofthe Hepatitis B Virus".M odality:Short Report.
26 октября, 2016
51 год (10 января 1974)
30 августа, 2016
65 лет (21 октября 1959)
31 августа, 2016
43 года ( 3 июля 1981)